School Immunization Requirement Change

June 2023

Dear Parent or Guardian,
In Washington State, the Tdap vaccine is required for school attendance in certain grades. The Tdap is a booster vaccine which continues to protect your child against the tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis diseases they were immunized against as young child. As of August 1, 2020, the Tdap school requirement has changed to 7th grade to better align with the updated 2019 national immunization schedule ( In the past, the Tdap booster was required starting at 6th grade.

For the 2023-2024 school year, all students attending grades 7 through 12 must have had one dose of Tdap vaccine.

  • For students in 7th through 10th grade, the Tdap vaccine must be given at or after age 10 to be accepted for school entry. 
  • For students in 11th through 12th grades, the Tdap vaccine must be given at or after age 7 to be accepted for school entry.

To update your child’s Tdap immunization record at the school, you will need to turn in a medically verified immunization record. Your child’s health care provider can print this for you, or you can print it from MyIR or MyIRMobile, which are free Department of Health online tools that allows families to view and print their official immunization records themselves. For detailed information about how to get access to MyIR or MyIRMobile visit: or parents/AccessyourFamilysImmunizationInformation
If you have already given the school documentation that your child has had the required
Tdap vaccine or your child has a valid exemption on file with their school no further
action is needed.

K. Inocencio, BSN, RN
School Nurse