Hello Students-

I hope you are safe and well. The staff and I miss you and cannot wait for you to be roaming our halls and running in our gyms again. For the last three weeks, the school has been maintaining your instruction through review packets and enrichment activities. We have stayed connected, with you, through our lunch program, weekly Advisory Calls, and new Teacher Pages on the website.

Now, it is time for new learning and moving forward with the school year. Yes, we are still in school. Yes, you are still be graded and teachers are still instructing. Moving forward, your schooling will be a little different, but your teachers and classes will be the same-classes resume on April 12th. Please review the below information and the attached Online Learning Schedule. The High School Office Hours are 10 am to 2 pm Monday through Friday if you have any questions. The phone number is 360-497-5816.  Just remember, it is Spring Break this week.

- Starting April 14, White Pass Jr. Sr. High School will be moving to an Online Instructional Model for Teaching and Learning. Your classes will be the same but taught in a different way.

-Classes will be held twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday. The Elementary will have class on Monday and Wednesday. Attendance and Participation is required. The school is still in session. Yes, you will have homework and classroom work.

-Classes will start at 10:00 am and will conclude by 2:00 pm

-Each of your classroom teachers will be emailing you information concerning your class. This may include meeting times, instructional methods and platforms being used, and login information. You will also be receiving an updated syllabus containing new information.

-If you need help accessing your email, please contact Joe at JToal@whitepass.k12.wa.us or Pat Dean at PDean@whitepass.k12.wa.us.

-Yes, Seniors will still be graduating and still need to do a Senior Project. A Senior Class meeting is being scheduled. Monitor your email for an online meeting link to be sent out next week.

-All teachers will be getting Google Phone Numbers to better connect with you. Your teacher's number will be on the updated syllabus you receive.

-If you need a Chromebook, they are available. Come check one out from Mr. Schumaker.

-We are still accepting missing work from the 3rd Quarter. You have till April 20th to turn it in. 

Here is the link for the online class times: Class Times

See you soon,

Mr. Schumaker